[Fredslist] Gotham On NY1

Michael Millis Michael_Millis at msn.com
Mon Jun 13 13:24:11 EDT 2005

Hello Along The Network,

Hope everyone had a most excellent weekend.

As I am sure many of you saw on television or heard over the radio this past weekend, shooting of a short film
that will be part of New York City's final bid presentation to the IOC was done at locations in Manhattan. The
last location shoots for the film were done in Brooklyn Heights this morning.

I was one of three NYC2012 supporters selected to be interviewed by NY1 prior to the start of this morning's
filming. The interviews will likely air this evening.

We had an enthusiastic crowd out in Brooklyn Heights, right near the Promenade, for the shoot. Since we were
so close to the water, it was nice and cool at the location--no problem with people fainting from the heat.

And so, with a big assist from the New York Mets, New York's Olympic effort continues on. I was informed
this morning, as a point of historic perspective, that, in 1946, New York City's bid to be host city for the United
Nations fell apart and was retooled in four days, going on to win the UN for the city. We might see history
repeat itself in a similar manner.

Have a good week, Gotham.

All the very best for continued success.

Mike Millis
Marketing, Media, and Communications Group

Special Events Design, Production, and Coordination

"Making Exciting Things Happen"    
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