[Fredslist] Do You Venue?

Michael Millis Michael_Millis at msn.com
Thu Jul 28 12:14:24 EDT 2005

Hello Along the Network,

I hope everyone was able to avoid melting in the heat of the past couple days.

As an events designer and producer, I am always looking for attractive venues to use as locations for special
events. It occurred to me that Gotham networkers have direct access to so many excellent resources that some
of them may have direct access to excellent venues of which I may not be aware. (My strategy has always
been to go out and learn as much new stuff as I can today so I can do an even better job tomorrow.)

A venue for an event can be anything from a quaint loft to an attractive home to a nightclub to a ballroom to a
yacht. Basically, if you can decorate it and safely put people and food into it, it could potentially be used as a
venue to locate an event. The creative use of a great venue can result in a spectacular event.

I am scouting locations now for events projects through summer of 2006. If you, a friend of yours, or a business
colleague has direct access to a venue you think would make for a great event location, contact me with all the
particulars--type of venue, location of the venue, features the venue offers (dance floor, bar area, sound system,
lighting system, breath-taking view, etc.), number of people it can comfortably accommodate, rental fees, etc.
Certainly send photos, if you happen to have them available.

I am mainly interested in Manhattan locations. But if you have a great venue in an outer borough that is easily
accessible by public transportation (a major client consideration), let me know.

Riding the Gotham circuit, I have met a lot of wonderful professionals with skills or access to services that I will
tap as I put together production teams for various events. Hopefully, I will also be able to find wonderful venues
to tap through the Gotham network.

By the way, if you are or your company is planning to do a holiday event in December, now--in the heat of summer--
is the time to be making arrangements, whether it be for a special product or service promotion, an event to entertain
clients, or for a holiday reward to employees. The best venues, caterers, entertainers, and services will be booked up
for the holidays by late September. So, now would be a good time to get in touch with me if you would like to set an
appointment to discuss your holiday event plans.

Thanks very much for your help, Gotham. I'll see some of you as I ride the circuit.

Do your best to stay cool.

All the very best for continued success.

Mike Millis
Marketing and Communications Group

Special Events Design, Production, and Coordination

"Making Exciting Things Happen."
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