[Fredslist] Fw: Billy Green Revisited

Fred Klein fklein at kzrd.com
Tue Jul 12 10:06:34 EDT 2005

We helped Billy Green.  Can we help another? Please see the attached from
the sister of fellow networker Lorri Zelman.  Please forward your
suggestions to Elissa and thank you!

Fred C. Klein
Klein, Zelman, Rothermel & Dichter, L.L.P
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 07/12/2005 10:03 AM -----
             "Elissa K.                                                    
             Zelman, Psy.D."                                               
             <drzelman at optonli                                          To 
             ne.net>                   Dennis Cornell                      
                                       <Dennis.Cornell at morganstanley.com>, 
             07/11/2005 09:24          Fred Klein <fklein at legal.org>, Gail 
             PM                        Furman <gaf151 at aol.com>             
                                       the young woman I told you          

Hi There,

I'm writing to ask all of you if you have ideas for this incredible young
woman (I'll call her "K"), in terms of scholarship funds, grant monies,
work-study options etc.

I've known K for 5 years.  She is one of the most extraordinary people I
have ever known.  In a nutshell, she grew up with her mother and
half-brother (her father was MIA until he got out of jail 3 months ago -
she does not want contact with him at this point).  Her mother suffers from
severe mental illness and has been in and out of hospitals throughout K's
life.  The only income they have as a household is through her mother's SS
disability.  Unfortunately, K became the "adult" at a very young age,
taking care of her mother and her brother.  Since I have known her, she's
held 3 jobs simultaneously and continues to have a miraculously positive
outlook on life.

In elementary school, K was diagnosed with significant learning
disabilities.  She worked relentlessly to conquer her disabilities and
graduated from her competitive, Westchester high school in the top 10% of
her class.  Her dream has always been to go to NYU.   After graduation, she
went to WCC for 2 years to save money.  She applied, and got into NYU for
admission this fall.  K receives approximately $27,000 in grant money a
year.  That leaves about $13,000 to cover the rest of tuition, room and

As you have ascertained, there is nothing in K's life that has come easy.
Getting into NYU and living on her own is the opportunity of a lifetime for
any 20 year old - especially one who has grown up in her situation.  I've
never felt compelled to go to bat for someone the way I have with her and
am hoping that someone has some thoughts that might assuage the financial
burden she will likely face upon graduation from NYU.

She is such an inspiration and I'd love to help her make her dream less

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.


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