[Fredslist] Queenie Seeks Specific Gotham Mentor

Linda 'Queenie' Newman queenie at thorn.net
Mon Jul 11 12:55:13 EDT 2005

Hi Gothamites,

It's your fearless Co-Chair of the Mentoring Program here.  I am putting out
a "RFM" - Request for Mentor.  Bob Formica, please take note, this might
have to be added to the Gotham dictionary.

Although I am going to meetings and concentrating on matching people as
Mentors and Mentees, it occurred to me that fredslist might be another

Below is a request I received from a member.  If you think you are candidate
to be this person's Mentor, please e-mail me and tell me a little bit about
yourself and why you think it is a good match.

Remember, there are no "divorces" in the Gotham Mentoring Program, if it
doesn't work, we have the opportunity for a reassignment.  We have over 400
members (you can Mentor and be a Mentee on the phone) and an enormous amount
of talent!

Gotham Member states:

"I'd like mentoring on becoming a better storyteller for business, both in
presentations and informally. I want to get tuned into collecting and using
stories more often and more effectively."

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