[Fredslist] Fw: Gotham's Unique Ability

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Wed Feb 23 06:55:31 EST 2005

I met last night with a Gothamite who, for my mind, "gets it". Please see the well reasoned opinion of Queens Group member Steve Lichtenstein on a number of subjects relevant to our special group-especially competition as to which I totally agree with him.  Thank you Steve for your quick turn around and thoughts!
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Lichtenstein <Steven_Lichtenstein at fhfg.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 21:52:17 
To:fklein at legal.org
Subject: Gotham's Unique Ability


Challenges Lead to Opportunities. This appeared to be the theme of our
conversation earlier this evening. The Gotham network which you refer to as
a family and I am beginning to see as a community; presents all of our
members with several unique advantages and resources.

First, by the very nature of 'Fred's List', for those who 'Get It' and use
it, there is the substantive and tangible benefit of a virtual community
that exists.  This forum allows for the instantaneous exchange of ideas,
insights, and opportunities. Similar to the pneumatic tube device that one
finds at the drive through window of a bank, Gotham members have the power
to create and manifest connections both locally, nationally and globally,
simply by pushing a button.

The next innovative approach Gothamites can leverage is the ability to
'Ride The Circuit'.  Unfortunately as I have discovered, many do not see
how this power of combining 'like-minded' people can work.  Although there
are benefits to being the only member of your industry or trade group
within your group; the reality is that people will naturally meet others
like you outside of the environs of your group. Perhaps it might be a wiser
choice to create and then introduce your own team or alliance. It has been
my experience that where others see conflict, overlap or similarity, I see
none of the above. What I see within 'affinity' groups is not problems or
obstacles, but opportunities for joint work, collaboration and strategic
alliances. Over time I have been able to create a national network of
individuals who do exactly what I do; however, they are in other regions.
The leverage provided by Gotham, if used correctly, will enable you to
create your own national network too and will enable you to create new
efficiencies, economies of scale and engender relationships in an instant,
that might have taken you years to create.  The next time you experience
conflict or an obstacle why not take a step back and ask your self the
following question: "Where others see obstacles, all I see is
opportunities. How might this challenge lead to an opportunity ?"   Sir
Isaac Newton summed it up very well when he postulated, "Minds are like
parachutes; they need to be open in order to work."  Members need to ask
themselves if their parachute is open .

Lastly, Gothamites should focus on the power of personal endorsement that
comes with getting involved and engaged in this community.  This is truly a
community of 'like-minded' people who will go out of their way to help
people they don't even know. For me its a natural way of employing what I
call "The Vidal Sasson of Networking". Now we all remember the Vidal
Sassoon commercials of the 80's don't we ?  He said that, "We don't look
good unless you look good !"  With that in mind I am reminded that by
getting to know this 'family' you will benefit from three things: Enhanced
connectivity, membership in a community (of like-minded people), and
improved leverage offered by Gotham's unique ability to share information,
knowledge, resources, contacts  and competitive intelligence.

In life, especially in New York and Missouri, people always say, "I'll
believe it when I see it."  That is clearly backwards. In life and
especially in business and  networking, the paradigm needs to be shifted.
First you need to believe it (opportunity) and then, and only then, will
you be able to see it (success / connections).  I enjoyed our time together
tonight at The Friar's and hope we can do it again soon...perhaps on
Thursday !

Your's For "LIFE", Steven

p.s. I hope you're feeling better. Take megadoses of vitamin C, Echinecea,
Elderberry, Bee's Winter Defense, wash down with some Cabernet Sauvignon,
and call me in the morning !

Steven D. Lichtenstein, CLU,ChFC
"Specializing in Plans, Hopes & Dreams"
FH Financial Group / The Guardian
95-25 Queens Blvd., Rego Park, N.Y. 11374
ph:718 268-9255  f:718 268-9268
e: steven_lichtenstein at glic.com
web: www.stevenlicht.com

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