[Fredslist] FW: Be My Valentine

Debra Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Fri Feb 18 08:11:33 EST 2005

Please see the following from Fred Klein

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Klein [mailto:fklein at legal.org] 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 8:06 AM
To: debbie at boulevardmarketing.com
Subject: Fw: * Be My Valentine

Attached is another great review by Gotham's sterling reviewer (and award
winning photographer) Ennid Berger!   

-----Original Message-----
From: Ennber at aol.com
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:47:34 
To:FKlein at kzrd.com
Subject: Be My Valentine

				Be My Valentine 
		       	 ‘21’ with Donald Trump

To start, I have to admit that the ’21 Club’, which has been called the
quintessential New York restaurant, is my favorite restaurant in the city.
So with that in mind . . . .we made a reservation for the first seating at
six pm on Valentine’s Day, 2005. Our expectations were high and we were not

Things began to fall into place when a rush hour taxi appeared in the rain,
moments after we exited Penn Station. We had taken an early train, and our
trip uptown was quick, leaving time to order a drink at the bar. A drink at
the bar is an essential part of the ‘21’ experience.  The bartender makes an
excellent martini, and, on Valentine’s Day,  the room was aglow with
bouquets of red roses and numerous, beautifully painted oils by Frederic
Remington. The period scenes of Native Americans and western figures on
horseback are museum quality. The nuts are good too. The wood paneled bar is
filled with comfortable seating and small tables perfect for an order of
mini ‘21’ burgers should the urge strike.

The main dining room, footsteps away from the bar, hums with a different
type of energy. The low, black-painted ceiling is hung with memorabilia
donated by the captain of industry types who frequent the restaurant.
Football helmets and miniaturized corporate jets hang from the ceiling in a
mass of visual interest.  This is the good side of old New York -  the room
emanates a feeling of cozy comfort, conviviality and good times to be had. 

The service at ‘21’ was excellent. We ordered an iced bucket of Eglié Ourié
champagne from Phil the sommelier. Both Phil, an eight year employee who
claimed to be a newcomer to ‘21’, and Mario, our waiter, were equally
gracious and proficient. As we were with Gotham Network’s co-founder Fred
Klein, we were also greeted by Bryan McGuire, Fred’s friend, who is the
charming host/general manager of the place.  According to Bryan, ‘21’ is now
a member of the Orient Express group – he strongly recommends their hotels,
especially the Villa San Michele in Florence and the Hotel Splendido in
Portofino.  We settled down to nibble at an excellent bread basket and sip
from chilled crystal champagne flutes. 

The food at ‘21’ is wonderful. David and Fred ordered the seafood special
and reported that it was amazing.  I did manage to capture one small bite
and can attest to the freshness of the crab.  Joanne and I shared a mixed
green salad with baked goat cheese, also fresh and delicious. The main
courses were equally good. Steak tartare, porterhouse for two and poached
lobster. Simple food, beautifully prepared, a pleasure to eat. 

Dessert included Donald Trump.  Strolling in, with his lovely young wife
Melania, the Donald arrived just as we ordered our last course.  The elegant
twosome shared one straw and one coke and appeared to be engrossed in
conversation. The Donald’s hair shone in the lamplight as our fabulous
desserts arrived.  We shared crème bruleé, baked Alaska, assorted home made
ice creams and an ethereal banana cream pie. Of course, we also sampled the
complimentary cookies. As Fred said, the desserts at ‘21’ are simply at a
different level from most desserts elsewhere. 

‘21’ is a good bet for a special occasion.  With or without Fred’s company,
the ambiance and service remain consistent from visit to visit.  The food is
always good.  For a special occasion, or if you just feel like treating
yourself to a wonderful meal, this is the place. And maybe, if your evening
is as magical as ours, you’ll arrange to be picked up in a limo provided by
Gotham Long Island’s Matt Silver. (Fred’s wife, Joanne, had won our limo
trip home at the last Gotham golf outing). We were driven in style past
Christo’s gates in Central Park and then home to Long Island, certain that
our evening had been one to remember. 

Ennid Berger

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