[Fredslist] Slow Dance [Worthy Read for the New Year]

Scott Bloom sbloom at bloomreg.com
Fri Dec 30 09:50:57 EST 2005

A timely message for my Gotham friends:





Have you ever watched kids


On a merry-go-round?


Or listened to the rain


Slapping on the ground?


Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?


Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?


You better slow down.


Don't dance so fast.


Time is short.


The music won't last.


Do you run through each day


On the fly?


When you ask How are you?


Do you hear the reply?


When the day is done


Do you lie in your bed


With the next hundred chores


Running through your head?


You'd better slow down


Don't dance so fast.


Time is short.


The music won't last.


Ever told your child,


We'll do it tomorrow?


And in your haste,


Not see his sorrow?


Ever lost touch,


Let a good friendship die


Cause you never had time


To call and say,"Hi"


You'd better slow down.


Don't dance so fast.


Time is short.


The music won't last.


When you run so fast to get somewhere


You miss half the fun of getting there.


When you worry and hurry through your day,


It is like an unopened gift....


Thrown away.


Life is not a race.


Do take it slower


Hear the music


Before the song is over.


Scott M. Bloom
President / Managing Member
BLOOM Real Estate Group LLC 
485 Madison Ave. NYC 10022

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