[Fredslist] Room to Breathe

Jeanne Anne Norton jeanneanne.norton at verizon.net
Fri Aug 26 08:54:52 EDT 2005


Notice how in the summer months, especially the end of August, the City is a
bit more quiet, there are seats on the buses and subways and you can hail a
cab fairly quickly?

Well, Bandit Too is holding it's next meeting on Wednesday, August 31st and
it would be wonderful for those of you who have not had an opportunity to
attend one of our fabulous gatherings to make plans to attend our luncheon
at the Friars Club.  We have members who are on vacation so there is room
around the table.

Please let me know if you would like to join us because we would love to
spend time with you to hear about you and your business.

Jeanne Anne Norton 

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