[Fredslist] E-Tactics Letter - Podcasting ? The Latest Techno Razor Blade

Sarah Stambler sarah at e-tactics.com
Fri Aug 5 09:38:37 EDT 2005

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Sarah Stambler's E-Tactics(r)  Letter
July/August, 2005
Volume 14, Issue 7

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In This Issue
Podcasting – the latest techno razor blade
Internet Yellow Pages and the Small Advertiser
Research Round Up
Stats & Insights You Can Use
     How Blogs Influence Purchase Decisions
     Still Spammin'
     Paid Search?


Podcasting – the latest techno razor blade

If you thought these little apparatuses were predominantly 
popular for music downloads it seems that Apple has found a
killer app for iPods that is turning the industry upside 
down.  Stumbling on the latest invention of a "podcast" has
created a revolution in downloading numbers and sales of 
the unit.  (A podcast is simply a recorded file – usually a
talk or lecture that a user can download for free).

In a recent NY Times article on July 28th, David Pogue 

"The big question is, why is Apple working so hard to claim
the podcast phenomenon as its own 
..Clearly, the 
motivation behind Apple's podcasting program is selling 
more iPods. You can certainly get podcasts onto other music
players, but not with the effortless, automated flow of the
iTunes-iPod system. 

"In other words, these free podcasts are just another 
feather in the iPod's cap. As an editorial at 
astutely observed, Apple is flipping the traditional 
business plan on its head. It's giving away the razor 
blades, but selling a staggering number of razors.

 Overnight, iTunes 4.9 has already become the most 
popular podcast-management software on earth; Apple says 
that within 48 hours of its release, Pod people had 
subscribed to more than a million podcasts. Pockets of the 
populace may not enjoy the transformation of podcasting 
into a commercial, pop-culture phenomenon, but it's too 
late now. The people have spoken - or, rather, listened."

Full  text of NY Times article – available online free 
until Aug 3rd



Internet Yellow Pages and the Small Advertiser

If you're wondering where to put your advertising dollars 
online for the coming year you'll be interested in the 
findings of the Kelsey Group.  The company tracks the 
following media in their Local Commerce Monitor Study – 
covering online and print Yellow Pages, newspapers, direct 
mail, magazines, outdoor, coupons, local television, Web 
sites, search engine key word buys, e-mail and online city 

Kelsey found only pay-per-click Internet Yellow Pages 
showed a statistically significant jump in planned spending
of about 6% for the next year.

To read the full text article that appeared on Clickz and 
visit the Kelsey site:


Research Round Up
Stats & Insights You Can Use

How Blogs Influence Purchase Decisions
July 18, 2005
By BIGresearch http://postsnet.com/r.html?c=521307&r=520667&t=2051423080&l=1&d=86251179&u=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eBIGresearch%2ecom&g=1&f=86251354

Do consumer blog-reading habits impact shopping and 
purchasing behavior? BIGresearch has the scoop. 

The following is from our SIMM VI database of over 14,000 
respondents displaying the differences in the influence of 
blogging directly on purchase decision to eat out, telecom 
services, medicines, car and truck, home improvement, 
grocery, apparel/clothing and electronics.

Dollar General and Dollar Store are two distinct discount 
retail chains where most items sell for $5.00 or less. 

Overall, for Dollar Store customers, blogging has greater 
influence than Dollar General bloggers on their purchase. 
Blogging has greatest influence on Dollar General customers
in purchase decisions regarding home improvement, 
electronics, telecom services and grocery, compared to 
Dollar General customers. Blogging has very little 
influence on purchase decision in almost every category, 
but it does compare favorably on eating out. The above data
can start to chart the potential power of the new media 
influence on concrete purchase decisions by retail 
channels. Media planning and ROI elements by retail channel
are important to retailers and manufacturers.

BIGresearch is an Ohio-based online marketing intelligence 
and internet-powered marketing research company.


Still Spammin'

July 27, 2005
By eMarketer 

eMarketer uncovers surprising news on spam's continued 
prevalence: it works. 

Though spam is widely reviled, it is still piling up in 
in-boxes. A recent poll by the Robert H. Smith School of 
Business at the University of Maryland found that more than
10 percent of respondents said they received 40 or more 
spam emails a day. Alas, the reason for spam's continued 
prevalence is probably pretty simple: it works. Recent data
from the Pew Internet and American Life Project suggest 
that more than 5 percent of internet users have purchased 
something offered in an unsolicited message.

US Inrernet Users Who Have Ordered a Product or Service
Offered in an Unsolicited E-Mail, 2003-2005 (as a % of 

June. 2003:     7%
February, 2004: 5%
January, 2005:  6%

note: n=1,295
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 2005
(c)eMarketer, Inc.

eMarketer aggregates, filters, organizes and analyzes data 
from more than 1700 research firms, consultancies and 
government agencies around the globe. 


Paid Search?
July 20, 2005
By eMarketer 

eMarketer uncovers surprising news on user awareness of the
difference between paid and unpaid search listings. 

A Harris Interactive poll, sponsored by icrossing, found 
that many internet users are not familiar with the 
difference between organic search results and paid search 
results. And experience online didn't necessarily correlate
with knowledge.  Even among surfers with five or more years
of online experience, most were not familiar with the 
difference between sponsored and natural results.

Demographic Profile of US Adult Internet Users Who Are 
Familiar with Difference between Sponsored* and Natural** 
Search Engine Results Listing, April 2005 (as a % of 

                        Yes           No
Male                    53%           47%
Female                  34%           66%

18-34                   47%           53%
35-44                   45%           55%
45-54                   52%           58%
55+                     38%           62%

Experience online
<3 years                40%           60%
3-5 years               29%           71%
5+ years                47%           53%

Search engine used at least 33% of the time
Google                  54%           46%
Yahoo!Overture          42%           58%
MSN                     36%           62%
AOL                     32%           68%
Ask Jeeves              32%           68%
Other                   23%           77%

Note: n=2,057 internet users ages 18+ sho use search 
*  paid
** non-sponsored
Source: Harrise Interactive commissioned by icrossing, 
June 2005
(c)eMarketer, Inc.
eMarketer aggregates, filters, organizes and analyzes data 
from more than 1700 research firms, consultancies and 
government agencies around the globe.


Want to learn more about us?  Please visit our site at: www.e-tactics.com

Or write:
Sarah Stambler mailto:sarahses at e-tactics.com

Phone: (212) 222-1713

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The E-TACTICS LETTER, (ISSN 1542-2623) is published 12 times a year by E-Tactics, Inc. an electronic marketing and publishing firm established in 1984 that specializes in the creative use of electronic media in the design and implementation of customer driven marketing, research and publication strategies.

(c) 2005 E-Tactics, Inc. All rights reserved.  E-Tactics is registered in US Patent & Trademark Office.

Permission is granted to reprint or distribute The E-TACTICS LETTER as long as this full copyright notice is included together with the subscription information.

E-Tactics, Inc.
370 Central Park West
Suite 210
New York, NY  10025


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